Gensets & Compressors

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Gensets & Compressors
Gensets & Compressors

Gensets & Compressors

Having specialized engineering team, vendors and partners we are capable of providing rental services of various kinds of Gensets of diverse applications but not limited to the servicing and repair works. We also undertake and felicitate sales of gensets and compressors from:
  • Ingersoll Rand (USA)
  • Elgi (India)
  • Boge (Germany)

Taking into account compressors being one of the core units of the Oil and Gas operations we do extend rental support and servicing of various kinds of compressors utilizing our strong network in the industry and goodwill with the vendors throughout UAE.

Multiple Types of Gensets & Compressors

Chemical & After Analysis Kit

  • Drilling
  • Chemical cleaning
  • Neutralizations
  • Hydrotesting
  • Distilled water
  • Acids
  • Alkalis
  • Weak Acids
  • Hardness
  • Laboratory items
  • Lab analysis kits
  • Chloride
  • Oil in water analysis kit
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Boroscope Camera inspection
  • Indicators like Methyl Orange
  • Phenolhthalein
  • Bulk supply of Bentonite